Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011

Jede Menge Schnee in Finnland

Die verschneite Landschaft in Finnland erinnert mich ein wenig an meinen Ausflug auf den Kiilopää im Jahr 2008 - aber statt Nebel hier ein fast wolkenloser, sonniger Himmel!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Snow! We have only see a small bit of snow this year. Last year it was as high as my knee at this time!

  2. As I have expected most of the snow has melted again, at least here in the Frankfurt area. And the temperatures are predicted to be in the 40s for the next days... No White Christmas!

  3. It is snowing here right now. The ground has gone from brown to mostly white in the last hour.
