Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013

Estoril, der letzte Ort Portugals

Einst war Estoril der letzte Ort, den die portugiesischen Seefahrer beim Verlassen ihrer Heimat sahen, heute ist es ein beliebtes Seebad vor den Toren Lissabons - unter anderem mit dem angeblich größten Casino Europas...

4 Kommentare:

  1. Well, I could do without the casino, but it does look like a lovely place to visit.

  2. Yes, me too! I was never in a casino, and I will never go to a casino. For me, the title "largest casino in Europe" isn't attractive at all...

  3. Hmmm... did you know that many of the hotels in greater Minnesota are actually at casinos? So never say never. One cold (well actually probably hot) night in August there might only be one place to stay... (Though, of course, you wouldn't have to actually go to the casino. Maybe just walk by or through it.)

  4. Oh, that's new for me, I haven't known that. Fortunately there's no pressure to lose money in the casino while staying at the hotel...
