Eigentlich wollte ich bereits vor einer Woche aus Anlaß der vollständigen Rückkehr zur Arbeit diesen Kuchen backen, aber die plötzliche Lust auf einen
Winterausflug in die Rhön hinderte mich daran.
Heute war's dann soweit: 3 Eier, 110 g Butter, 130 ml Milch, eine Backmischung (natürlich wieder alles bio), und fertig war der Schokoladenkuchen. Jetzt muß er nur noch den Kollegen schmecken - und mir natürlich auch...
Mmmm...CAKE! I think I can buy that same brand of cake mix here!
AntwortenLöschenReally? That would be interesting and funny if you could buy the same cake mix there... That's real globalization!
AntwortenLöschenI am going to have to look the next time I am at the store, but I am fairly certain that it is the same brand. By the way; my mother was wondering how much butter costs there? (She asked me to ask you.)
AntwortenLöschenThe average price for the standard 250 g (9 oz) pack is currently 1.70 Euro or $2.20. Supermarkets also offer cheap brands which costs only 1 Euro or $1.30. But, of course, they are not organic, so I do not buy them at all. Well, I prefer to buy my food almost always in a tiny organic grocery store in my neighborhood!
AntwortenLöschenBy the way, I have never seen another size than the standard 250 grams. How about there? And what's the price for butter in the US? I'm agog about the result of this comparison!
The price differs by brand here too. I pay about $5 for a pound of locally made butter. At Christmas time I saw butter in the regular grocery store at $2 or so a pound. I think it is about $3 a pound now.
AntwortenLöschenMost butter here comes in a 16oz/1 pound size. Usually that pound is divided into sticks which are a quarter pound or 4oz each. (The brand I buy is not divided into quarters.) Sometimes you will see half pound sizes, but it usually European-style butter or actual European butter.
Has the European-style butter a different taste compared to yours?
AntwortenLöschenIt can taste different, especially if it is cultured butter. I have tried to make cultured butter at home, but I am not sure that it worked.