Wer auf einem Schiff ist, kann keine Photos vom Schiff machen - oder höchstens vom heute seinem Namen alle Ehre machenden Sonnendeck. Na ja, was die Außenaufnahmen von IMO 9319454 (alias M/S Europalink) angeht, gibt es ja zum Glück shipspotting.com...
Oder auch Postkarten.
vor 3 Tagen
You were not allowed to take photos? That seems wrong somehow...
AntwortenLöschenOh, that's a misunderstanding (due to a bad Google Translation): I was not able to take a picture of the ship from outside because I was ON the ship. Well, when I embarked with my car I saw the ship from outside, but there was definitely no occasion (and no nice view) for an image... But I bought a postcard aboard!