vor 4 Tagen
Samstag, 29. Oktober 2011
Tag 3: Gehen im Wasser und am Stöckchen
Niemand verwendet mehr die deutsche Sprache, um zu beschreiben, daß der Tag mit Gehversuchen im Wasser anfing und es anschließend mit Stöckchen durch den Kurpark vorbei an dem kleinen Weiher ging. Stattdessen nennt sich das ganze Aquawalking und Nordic Walking. Aber egal, Hauptsache, es hat Spaß gemacht - und gesund ist es bestimmt auch.
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I have tried Nordic Walking. Rodney has the poles, but the ends need to be changed for use on roads. He has the snow ends on.
AntwortenLöschenHave you already tried cross-country skiing, too? There would be enough snow in Minnesota during the winter months...
AntwortenLöschenYes, I have tried cross-country skiing, but it have been many years since I have done it. For awhile my father had trails in our woods.
AntwortenLöschenI have tried it only once. It was a school trip to France, and I enjoyed cross-country skiing very much, although I was one of the slowest skiers. I often think to try it someday again, but so far I haven't done it yet...