Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2011

100 Jahre Königslinie

Der Eisenbahnfähre auf der Königslinie zwischen Sassnitz und Trelleborg nahm vor gut 100 Jahren ihren Betrieb auf und ist immer noch die schnellste Verbindung zwischen Deutschland und Schweden.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Okay, I am a bit confused. Is it a ferry that transports whole trains? ~OR~ Is it a train stop where people and products move onto a ferry? I am guessing it is the second, but I want to be sure.

  2. Your question No 1 was the right one: It is indeed a ferry that carries whole trains! They are mostly freight trains, but there is also a passenger night-train connecting Berlin and Malmö ( Additionally there are five car ferries per day for each direction. I haven't used that connection yet, but I love ferries, so I guess I will travel to Scandinavia that way someday too...
