Samstag, 26. Februar 2011

Canis lupus

Der Wolf bevölkerte einst große Teile der Nordhalbkugel - in Weißrußland ist er fast überall noch anzutreffen.

11 Kommentare:

  1. Are there still wolves in Minnesota, or are they extirpated?

  2. We still have wolves here. As a matter of fact our basketball team is called the Minnesota Timberwolves. We used to hear them sometimes on the farm.

  3. Isn't it frightening to hear wolves at night?

  4. I grew up with it, so it did not bother me then. Now I would be a bit more afraid. We also would hear coyotes. Once I had a friend staying with me and we went for a walk in the woods. She kept commenting on all the dog tracks. I did not have the heart to tell her that they were not dog tracks, they were coyote tracks. It was for the best.

  5. And how about bears? I wouldn't be surprised if they are still living in the forests around the thousands of lakes.

  6. Oh yes, we have bears. When I was younger we did not see many bears, but I saw one crossing the road in 1984. Then later I came home from school and my mother and I went berry picking. She left me in the woods while she went back for more containers. When she returned she said, "Oh, maybe I shouldn't have left you out here. We have been seeing a bear around." Eeek!

    There have been bears spotted here in the Twin Cities too.

  7. How dangerous are the bears there? Are there casualties caused by bears when they are attacking humans?

  8. Bears do attack and they are very dangerous. Most attacks take place in northern Minnesota, where there are more bears and fewer people. I would be very frightened to see one!

    The scariest animals I have had to deal with are a rabid skunk that actually chased me on my bicycle and a snapping turtle the size of a coffee table.

  9. Growing up we had a pond on one side of our house and a creek on the other side. The turtles would take the shortest route back and forth, which happened to be our yard. We would see both mud turtles and snappers, but mud turtles won't hurt you and don't get as big.
