Samstag, 3. September 2011

36k # 3¼h @ 29°C (4pm) | Sonnig

So lang wie heute war ich noch nie in der Satellitenstadt Gravenbruch unterwegs: Die katholische Kirche von nah und fern, eine Skulptur bei der evangelischen Kirche sowie ein hölzernes Etwas, bei dem die Erklärung scheinbar nur aus Hieroglyphen besteht...

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hmmm...that is a very odd wooden thing. Could it be some sort of exercise equipment? I find that sculpture of the two people a bit strange too. They seem flat and hollow.

  2. Yes, it was my thought, too, but this wooden thing is not comparable at all to those equipment which I use for my exercises in the health club...

    The sculpture is named "The Conversation" and its intention is to depict one of the essentials of the church parish: One is talking, another is listening, thus the message is carried on. Interesting interpretation!
