Welch wunderbare Collage von Obst- und Gemüseaufklebern aus aller Welt - sozusagen das, was Briefmarken für Postkarten sind! Und so wie hinter jeder Briefmarke eine Geschichte steht, kann man auch bei diesen Aufklebern viel Interessantes finden: Beispielsweise über die wirklich Geduld erfordernde Apfelzucht in Minnesota am Beispiel des
Thank you very much, Ronda!
I am glad that you enjoyed the collage. The Zester is a very tasty apple, but my favorite is the Honey Crisp. It has just arrived in stores for the fall and I am so happy! The organic ones are the size of a normal apple, but you sometimes see them almost the size of a large grapefruit. They are very sweet and very crisp with a bit of a tang. So good!
AntwortenLöschenApples in the size of a large grapefruit sound somehow strange and unusual!
AntwortenLöschenWell, obviously our taste preferences differ slightly: I prefer sour green apples...
I was just reading this post (http://bit.ly/p5NKB3) from a blog I like to read and I though you might find it interesting. I am guessing that you do not eat your apples with peanut butter! (I don't either...though I might try it.)
AntwortenLöschenI have tried peanut butter only once, many years ago. As far as I remember I can say that I didn't like it... But preferences can change (like spinach which I hated as child), so maybe I will give it a second try someday. Well, probably without an apple at first!