Gestern fiel das Photographieren schwer: Dazu muß man nämlich anhalten - und dann ist der kühlende Fahrtwind weg! Also auf dem kürzesten Weg hinaus in den Wald, dort konnte man es bei 33 Grad aushalten. Sommer? Sommer!
Ansonsten gab's liebenswerte Enten am Seerosenteich, die erste Kastanie des kommenden Herbstes (egal, das Gerippte ist geschützt) sowie das bisher ungewöhnlichste Gericht dieses Sommers: Himmel & Erde - Gebratene Blutwurst und hessischer Apfelkompott an Kartoffelpüree. Muß man einfach mal probiert haben... Lecker!
vor 16 Stunden
It was quite exhausting to take pictures yesterday: I had to stop bicycling, and in that moment the cooling airstream was over - temps in the lower 90s in the afternoon!
AntwortenLöschenHeaven & Earth is not a court, but an unusual, yet yummy dish!
Duck!! Is that a sign warning about wood-ticks or spiders? Corn is in season here too. We had some for supper last night. I love that tire swing!
AntwortenLöschenIt's a warning sign about ticks. Even if I'm vaccinated against TBE (, it is important to watch out for them since they can also transmit lyme disease (
AntwortenLöschenYes, we have tons of ticks here too. Growing up on the farm I probably had at least 5 tick bites each summer. In town I have only see one and that was on Walter.