Samstag, 27. August 2011

50 Jahre amnesty international

50 Jahre amnesty international: Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Aber kann ich diese Briefmarke überallhin senden? Nach China? Nach Weißrußland? Ich weiß es nicht... Ich will's auch nicht ausprobieren!

3 Kommentare:

  1. China and Belarus are refusing this stamp?

  2. Indeed, Google's translation is mistakable... Well, I don't know if this stamp would be refused by countries which consider amnesty international as unwelcome. I would not expect so, but I do not want to try it!

    Strangely there is no article in English Wikipedia about what can be translated as "Postal War" (though, I found a short description at, unfortunately the link on that site does not work). During the division of Germany there were many examples of stamps or even cancellations which were refused by the destination country - a postal war in both directions.
