Mittwoch, 17. August 2011

33k # 3¼h @ 32°C (3pm) | Leicht bewölkt, viel Sonne

Schafe im Rodgau, mit eigener Internetseite: Man kann sie sogar ausleihen - als lebende Rasenmäher! Und woher das Cordon Bleu seinen Namen hat, bleibt nach wie vor ungeklärt...

3 Kommentare:

  1. A parrot!! Mmmm...I love Cordon Bleu. When I was in college I used to buy frozen pre-made ones all the time. Today I would never eat one of those, but a lovely made-from-scratch one would be very welcome.

  2. The parrot belonged to the owner of the restaurant, and he was very talkative: Besides many other incomprehensible words he often said "Hallo" in a nearly perfect human intonation, it was quite entertaining for the guests and somehow irritating for passersby.

  3. Parrots are supposedly very intelligent.
