Samstag, 13. August 2011

22k # 2¼h @ 25°C (7pm) | Stark bewölkt

Heute Halbmast an öffentlichen Gebäuden - im Gedenken an den 13. August 1961: "Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu bauen."

4 Kommentare:

  1. Are those wooden pigs or sheep? I don't think that mushroom looks edible!!

  2. I guess they are wild boars. They are quite common here in Europe, and I found a map showing that they have been introduced to some parts of the USA, but not to Minnesota (

    I have not collected mushrooms ever... How about you?

  3. Actually wild boars are quite a nuisance further south. They are hunted there.

    I only collect Morel mushrooms since they are so easy to recognize(and they grow in my backyard). A used to know a man that was a mushroom expert and he would pick all sorts of them.

  4. In the German Wikipedia article, I have found a nice picture of a basket full of Morels: What a happy collector!
