Sonntag, 20. November 2011

Tag 24: Helt Oncale @ Golfhaus

In geselliger Runde am Freitag abend in der Waldgaststätte Golfhaus, dazu Livemusik von Helt Oncale. So schöne Country-Musik, daß man sich fast wie auf der Route 66 fühlen konnte...

4 Kommentare:

  1. Oh! How fun!

    Did you know that Route 61 officially takes you from Wyoming, MN to New Orleans, LA? Unofficially you can follow it all the way from NOLA to Thunder Bay, Canada. That would be a really interesting drive!

  2. That sounds like a great route to discover when I will come to Minnesota someday! I'm always curious to explore the regions along such roads, and I'm sure that there will be much to see.

    Oh, and I have learned a new abbreviation: NOLA is obviously New Orleans, isn't it?

    By the way, there's strange thing about your comment: It was automatically categorized as spam and moved to the junk folder by my mail provider. How silly, how stupid! Furthermore, it was not synced to the laptop (why?) and I read it only after the return from the rehab... Well, I hope that I haven't lost any mails from you in that way!

  3. It must be because of the link. Yes, I would love to make that drive too. The route north from Minnesota to Canada is a bit convoluted, but it would be fun!
