Und ich dachte schon, im Aufzug stecken zu bleiben, wäre das aufregendste Ereignis gewesen! Es gab einen Feueralarm, das Gebäude wurde geräumt, und das schönste Bild gaben die versammelten Weißkittel vor der Brandmeldetafel ab: Es hupte und blinkte, aber weit und breit nur ärtzliche Ratlosigkeit...
Ach so, es war ein Fehlalarm.
vor 2 Tagen
I am a bit confused by this.
AntwortenLöschenThere was a fire alarm in the rehab center and the main building was evacuated. No panic at all, people were rather strolling to the outside...
AntwortenLöschenNo smoke to see, so where's the fire? Near the entrance was a fire alarm panel (see the image) with some blinking lights and a loud horn. It was a somehow funny picture to see all the physicians in their white coats standing in front of the panel. They looked so puzzled, they did not know what it means and what to do... Their medical wisdom was useless!
Twenty minutes later a technician came and declared that is was a false alarm. The show was over!
I remember you mentioning the false alarm. Was it in the middle of the night? I have had that happen a few times when I lived in an apartment.
AntwortenLöschenFortunately not, it was in the early afternoon. I think it was my first "real" fire alarm which was not only a drill.