Freitag, 17. Juni 2011

Hes 34,15

Hesekiel, der auch Ezechiel genannt wird, war einer der Propheten des Alten Testaments. In Kapitel 35, Vers 15 steht geschrieben: Ich will selbst meine Schafe weiden, und ich will sie lagern.

6 Kommentare:

  1. 15 years ago it was almost impossible to find sheep here in Minnesota. Now when you drive in the country you see them very often.

  2. Google Translate does not read enough in the bible (me neither): "I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down."

  3. Oh, we have written comments at the same moment! Since my last year's holiday trip, I have fallen in love with sheep. So it is one more reason to visit Minnesota some day!

  4. It is funny that we both posted at the same time! I think the number of sheep and goat has increased because of the increase in the number of people from Africa here. The demand for the meat is much higher now. Also, I think more people are drinking goat milk.

  5. I have seen goat milk several times in groceries, but I have not tried it yet. How about you?

  6. I have never tried it. I have tried goat cheese, though.
