Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011

36k # 3½h @ 23°C (4pm) | Windig und wärmer als gefühlt

Man sollte eigentlich immer drei Sehenswürdigkeiten in seinem Wohnort nennen können - in Obertshausen also: Die Herz-Jesu-Kirche, die Burg im Hain sowie die Funfhäusergasse mit dem Nachtwächter.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Today's topic in better English: You should always be capable of naming three points of interest in your town...

  2. The lilies are in bloom here too. Hmmm...I am not sure there are 3 places in Coon Rapids to visit. There are some nice parks.

  3. Parks can be really interesting places, too. Well, I forgot a thought in my post: I made the experience that it is somehow more difficult to identify points of interests in my town as anywhere else... Maybe, these places have become a bit too ordinary?

  4. I think that might be the case. When we were in London there was a woman making fun of the tourist taking pictures of Big Ben. To her Big Ben was nothing special. I wanted to ask her what she would do at the Pyramids, but I did not.
