Zur Republik China auf der großen Insel Taiwan gehören auch die
Pescadoren, eine Gruppe von etwa 90 kleinen Inseln. Von diesen ist
Wang-an eine der größeren Inseln und bietet trotz seiner nur 14 Quadratkilometer eine beachtliche Anzahl touristischer Attraktionen. Ich liebe Inseln...
I was just wondering this morning if you had ever been to Gotland?
AntwortenLöschenI have not been there yet, but it is definitely a destination which is reachable for me and surely worth a visit. By the way, how did you conceive the idea of Gotland...?
AntwortenLöschenI was watching a documentary on the Kensington Rune Stone. They mentioned that the only place that you can find all of the runes found on the stone is Gotland. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kensington_Runestone
AntwortenLöschenI don't know if you can see it there, but here is a link to the show I was watching:
Great, the link works! I'm just downloading all nine parts from YouTube, and I think I will watch them tonight. I have not heard of that runestone before, but it seems to be indeed very famous.
AntwortenLöschenWhen I come to visit Minnesota someday, I will surely go to the Runestone Museum in Alexandria, too. Have you been already there? Well, I guess you have...
Yes, I have been to see the Runestone. It is in a very small local museum.
AntwortenLöschenI will warn you that this program has a controversial view on history. I love that sort of thing because Alternative History fascinates me, but you would not find it taught in schools.
Indeed, a quite controversial view on history... Even if these modern-stylish documentaries (with many reenactment scenes and a continuous ambient music) are not among my favorites, it was very entertaining, though. The movie tells of many interesting facts or suppositions that would be really worth further internet research. Just to take a single example: The connection between the Newport Tower and the 1,500 miles distant Kensington Runestone sounds unimaginable, almost crazy... Thanks for your movie recommendation!
AntwortenLöschenSadly all of the documentaries on the History Channel and on the History International Channel are like that now.
AntwortenLöschenIt used to be that you could get some very good scholarly documentaries on The Learning Channel, but now they mostly air stories about families.