Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011

25k # 2¼h @ 29°C (2pm) | Bewölkt, bedeckt, Regen

Stets mit dem Blick zum Himmel in Erwartung des kommenden Regens heute nach Heusenstamm und Rodgau. Am Ende war der leichte Regen sogar eine willkommene Erfrischung und ein Anlaß, einmal schneller radzufahren.

5 Kommentare:

  1. She was a member of the aristocratic family of Schönborn ( Unfortunately I have forgot her first name (which is noted at the statue), so I have to visit that place again to get more information from the internet then...

  2. Which reminds me...I see that Germany is going to be having its own Royal Wedding this year. ( )

  3. Oh, I admit I haven't heard of them before... By the way, the House of Isenburg has an impressive castle in my neighboring city Offenbach. I should go there to take a picture in my next bike ride...

  4. I have only heard of them because the subject of royal weddings is common here right now. They happened to attend Prince Albert's of Monaco's wedding, and I saw a picture of them there. Otherwise I would have no idea who they were.
